Monday, March 2, 2009

Temporary Stairs Are In

We have temporary stairs in so common folk, like Les and Noah, will now be able to make the trip to the top floors. Though rudimentary, they really give a great feeling for what the final product will be like. They are extremely open and sit lightly in the space, allowing light to stream through and enhancing the flow of the house. The pics above and below here are of the mid-level landing directly above the entryway. Below is the extended view from the kids bedroom hallway to the master bedroom hallway above and kitchen/living room below.

The shot below is looking up from the living room area to the mid-level platform over the entry.

Above is looking through the lower portion of the stairs toward the front door/entry. Below is the reverse view looking from the entry through the underside of the stairs.


Tim said...

Kids bedroom?

Unknown said...

Very Cool. I do look a these pictures all the time, but do not make any comments.